
Showing posts from September, 2017

Three years at uni: Where your money ACTUALLY goes

There was a meme on the internet recently that stated the question: 'what’s the most stupid thing you’ve ever spent your money on?' The answer, in jest, was three stock images collaged together of university students graduating. Despite the fact that the rising costs of going to university can be made light of in posts like these, the reason that they are funny for many students is the fact that, well, it’s true. In July, university minister Jo Johnson released a statement revealing the latest rise in the cost of acquiring a degree – a £250 increase from £9000 to £9250 passed by many newspapers as news that wasn’t even worthy of being published. Jo Johnson is Boris Johnson's less-shaggy-haired younger brother The fact is, we’ve simply got used to the government enforcing these rises without any challenging from MPs in parliament or the public – so we just accept it and carry on. But the truth is, paying £9,250 for a year’s education is ridiculous and ...

Hippo Campus: Warm Glow EP Review

By Joseph Connolly After months upon painless months of waiting, Minnesota’s finest rock outfit Hippo Campus have finally released new material – containing the highly anticipated track ‘Baseball’. From left to right: Nathan Stocker (guitar, backing vocals), Jake Luppen (guitar, lead vocals), Whistler Allen (drums, backing vocals), Zach Sutton (bass, backing vocals) The song, if you don’t know what all the fuss is about, has been heard in snippets through video-taped live performances uploaded to the internet, but a recorded version had never been released to the public until Friday, when the eager wait was finally rendered over. The Warm Glow EP contains three songs, but the title track is the third on the list, and the longest. The first track is ‘ Baseball ’, undoubtedly the bounciest and most dance-friendly of the three. The most committed of fans also heard a thirty-second teaser of Baseball on the MN Original-released Youtube video ‘ Making of Landmark ’, which...